When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
Genesis 3:6
Going Along With the Crowd
Devotion based on Genesis 3:6
See series: Devotions
There you were. You were part of the crowd—surrounded by all your friends. It started off as a great evening. Everyone was having fun, and life was good. But then things started to take a turn. Things got out of control and a fun evening crossed the line. Things happened that should not have happened. You wanted to speak up and to tell them all that this wasn’t right.
But there you stood, doing nothing. Sometimes doing nothing or saying nothing is just as wrong as doing the bad or evil thing. And God holds us accountable for our inaction. Adam stood-by and did nothing as Eve was led down the wrong path. He went along with it, and his silence had consequences that were bigger than he ever could have imagined. His inaction cast the whole world into sin and now we are all born with an innate desire to sin.
This makes Jesus all the more remarkable. He never went along with the crowd when they were on the wrong path. He always spoke when things were headed in the wrong direction. Jesus lived a perfect life in our place, and then at the end, he let the crowd put him to death so that you and I and the whole world could be saved from our sins. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we have been set free from sin and through faith in him, we now have the gift of eternal life.
That means we no longer have to go along with the crowd! We can now say no to the evil in this world and live our lives for our Savior, Jesus, who gave his life for us. We can now be a positive influence in this world and lead others to the light of Jesus.
Dear Jesus, thank you for giving yourself as my Savior from sin. Empower me to say no to the crowd and to live my life for you. Help me be a positive influence for others. Amen.

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