Living Hope – April 22, 2023

In [God’s] great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.
1 Peter 1:3,4

Living Hope

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Daily Devotion – April 22, 2023

Devotion based on 1 Peter 1:3,4

See series: Devotions

What has your week been like? There are plenty of reasons for discouragement and disillusionment. Maybe you have been struggling with health, finances, or relationships. Maybe it seems like there is no purpose in the day-to-day routine, or there is no hope of it changing.

But there is good news! We have hope because of the change Jesus accomplished by his resurrection from the dead. Forgiveness has been assured us, his presence with us has been promised, his power in the world is active for us. He has connected us to something bigger than this world—eternal life with him, an inheritance that defies the fading and disappearing pattern of earthly hopes. The fact that he came alive and defeated the power of death gives us living hope. By faith in Jesus, we will live even after we die!

Jesus is our living leader who safely brings us through those times and circumstances now that would overwhelm us, and he points us to the eternal and perfect life he has prepared for us in heaven. Through Jesus, our resurrected Lord and Savior, we have living hope.

O Jesus, dispel the gloom that surrounds me with the bright promise of salvation which you accomplished by your death and resurrection. Fill my heart with the living hope of eternal life in heaven. Amen.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Joy in What We Don’t See – April 21, 2023

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter 1:8,9

Joy in What We Don’t See

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Daily Devotion – April 21, 2023

Devotion based on 1 Peter 1:8,9

See series: Devotions

A week after he died, Jesus appeared to his disciple, Thomas, and said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” For Thomas, seeing was believing. The proof of Jesus’ resurrection gave him peace and joy.

But we weren’t there in that room with the disciples. We haven’t seen the risen Jesus with our own eyes. How can we have the same peace, joy, and hope as those disciples?

As a person enters hospice care, waiting for the day they will breathe their last, all they can see coming is death. As a family stands at the graveside of a loved one before the urn or casket is lowered into the ground, all they can see is death. Irreversible, unchangeable death. That is if they see only with the eyes of their bodies and their reason.

But things aren’t always what they seem. When Jesus cried, “It is finished,” on the cross, it looked like all hope was finished. Any chance of him being the promised Savior was over. But the empty tomb on Easter morning proved that wasn’t the case. When Jesus’ friends went to his tomb that morning, what they didn’t see brought them hope. What they didn’t see was the body of Jesus. That’s because he was alive.

And he still lives. Because he lives, you can rejoice, even in the face of struggles. You can be confident, even in the face of death. You can be sure that because his grave is empty, yours will be empty one day too. You can trust that through Jesus’ dying and rising in your place, your guilt has been removed. Your salvation has been won. Eternal life with your God and Savior is yours. Let that truth fill you with joy that can’t be put into words.

Jesus, though I haven’t seen you with my own eyes, I believe that you live. And because you live, I know that I will too. Let this news fill me with joy in life and in death. Amen.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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A Guaranteed Inheritance – April 20, 2023

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.
1 Peter 1:3,4

A Guaranteed Inheritance

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Daily Devotion – April 20, 2023

Devotion based on 1 Peter 1:3,4

See series: Devotions

Perhaps you’ve been named in someone’s will. That will says that, if that person dies, you will be given this amount of money or that piece of property or these personal possessions.

But being named in the will doesn’t mean that you will receive those things. The money might all have to pay for medical bills or the funeral. The property might burn down or have to be given to the bank to pay for debts. The personal possessions might break, wear out, or be lost before you ever receive them. A will does not guarantee an inheritance.

But the resurrection of Jesus does. That’s because the inheritance Jesus has prepared for you doesn’t consist of dollars and cents. It won’t wear out, break, or lose its luster. It won’t be stolen or squandered before you receive it. It can’t be reduced with estate taxes or stored in a safe deposit box. In fact, it isn’t even stored on earth. It is stored in God’s eternal storehouses in heaven, where there is no destruction, decay, or theft.

The inheritance guaranteed by Jesus’ resurrection is the riches of a God who owns all things. It’s the joy of an eternity in his presence, surrounded by his love, separated from all the things that bring us pain, sadness, and death.

Jesus’ resurrection is proof that God can and will do exactly what he has promised. It is the signature on the bottom of the will that guarantees that our inheritance is safely stored for us in heaven, just waiting for us to enjoy after our death on this earth or after Jesus returns on the Last Day.

Because Jesus lives, this unfading inheritance is guaranteed for all who trust in Jesus, whose death and life takes away guilt, forgives sins, and wins eternal life.

Jesus, because you live, I have proof that an eternal inheritance is mine. Thank you for guarding that inheritance for me and for guarding me, while I wait to receive it. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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A Living Hope – April 19, 2023

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3

A Living Hope

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Daily Devotion – April 19, 2023

Devotion based on 1 Peter 1:3

See series: Devotions

Peter was a fiercely loyal follower of Jesus. Or at least he wanted to be. Peter promised Jesus, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” But just hours later, he called down curses on himself as he denied ever knowing Jesus not once but three times.

His denial of Jesus proved he wasn’t as strong as he claimed to be. How could he ever be sure of anything again? How could he ever find hope again?

Years later, Peter wrote, “He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Peter and his friend John had run to the tomb on Easter morning after the women reported that it was empty. Later that day, Peter saw Jesus alive, and he was filled with “an inexpressible and glorious joy.” Peter’s fear, grief, and despair turned to peace, joy, and hope.

What struggles have you faced in your life? What burdens are you carrying on your heart today? Does the loss of a loved one have you feeling empty and alone? Does your own failing health cripple you with confusion and uncertainty? Does the fear of what the future may hold have you worried and afraid? Find hope and peace where Peter found it. Easter hope. Living hope.

Jesus keeps his promises. He died for our doubts and worries and rose to prove that they are forgiven. Grief, shame, and guilt are gone. Life with Jesus is ours!

Jesus, when life leaves me hopeless, give me living hope through your resurrection from the dead. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Prove It – April 18, 2023

Then [Jesus] said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
John 20:27,28

Prove It

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Daily Devotion – April 18, 2023

Devotion based on John 20:27,28

See series: Devotions

You have to see it to believe it! Animals with two heads, products that range from the novel to the absurd, amazing abilities and little-known scientific facts. Ripley’s Believe It Or Not has over three dozen museums and attractions where you can find all kinds of oddities that are strange, but true (or so they claim).

Of course, just because something is in a museum or on the internet does not mean it is true. In this digital age, so-called evidence can be easily altered to “prove” events that never happened or the existence of things that never actually existed. It can be wise to be skeptical.

Jesus’ disciple, Thomas, wasn’t going to get sucked into the hysteria. He wasn’t going to put his life on the line for something that seemed so unlikely. He had to see it to believe it. It wasn’t enough that his close friends said they had seen Jesus with their own eyes, and others claimed to have touched and walked with him. He wanted to see and touch the wounds in Jesus’ hands and side for himself.

And then it happened. One week after Jesus rose from the dead, Thomas was there when Jesus appeared to his disciples. Jesus was alive, standing there in the flesh right in front of him.

Perhaps Thomas thought about how slow he had been to swallow his pride and believe the truth! But Jesus showed the scars in his hands and in his side to assure Thomas that he paid the price for his pride, doubt, and all of his sins. A living Jesus was proof that Jesus defeated the devil and overcame death. Seeing his living Savior, Thomas joyfully confessed, “My Lord and my God!”

Do you have doubts about God’s love? Are you worried that God couldn’t forgive you? The risen Jesus proves that God loved you enough to give his life for you. Proof that death is conquered, and life is yours. Believe it!

Jesus, forgive my fears and doubts. Help me confess with Thomas, “My Lord and my God!” Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Peace be with you! – April 17, 2023

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
John 20:19

Peace be with you!

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Daily Devotion – April 17, 2023

Devotion based on John 20:19

See series: Devotions

Fear can be absolutely paralyzing, can’t it? I have a fear of heights. If I am someplace where my mind tells me I could fall and be seriously injured or die, my heart begins to race, and I can hardly move an inch. Maybe you’ve experienced the same thing. Or maybe for you, it is a fear of spiders or snakes, public speaking, water, or tight spaces. It doesn’t matter whether the danger is real or not. Fear paralyzes us.

Jesus’ disciples were terrified. They had seen him tied up and taken away by his enemies. Some of them were there when they killed him. They watched the life drain out of his body and saw him take his last breath. What Jesus’ enemies did to him was so brutal, so hateful, so final. What would stop them from doing the same thing to them?

So they hid, locked behind closed doors. They hid even after they heard reports that Jesus was alive. They didn’t believe the news. Fear paralyzed them. They lacked proof. They lacked peace.

Suddenly, Jesus was standing right in front of them. And the first thing Jesus said was, “Peace be with you.” It was his promise that they had nothing to fear, because everything was right between them and God. He would not hold their fears against them. He would not curse them for their confusion or damn them for their doubts. Those things were forgiven. They were left there on the cross when Jesus died.

The risen Jesus says the same thing to you. “Peace be with you. Your fears and failures are forgiven. I was condemned and cut off from God’s love so that you will not be. I am alive as proof that God has accepted my life as payment for your guilt. Everything is good between you and me, between you and God.” With the proof that he is alive, Jesus gives the gift of peace to fearful hearts.

Risen Savior, when guilt, shame, and uncertainty try to fill me with fear, let your resurrection bring me peace. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Overjoyed! – April 16, 2023

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
John 20:19,20


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Daily Devotion – April 16, 2023

Devotion based on John 20:19,20

See series: Devotions

What failures we human beings are! We see it so clearly in Jesus’ disciples. Jesus had told them on several occasions that he was going to rise from the dead. Yet, two days after Jesus’ death, his disciples were confused, afraid, and locked in a room.

Jesus, the all-powerful Son of God who miraculously rose from the dead, suddenly appeared in the room with his disciples. He could have said to them, “Why didn’t you listen to me?” He could have said, “I’m going to find some new disciples, followers who will listen when I make a promise.” He could have said that.

But he didn’t! Instead, he said to them, “Peace be with you!” He showed them his hands and his side because there were the marks of the nails and the spear, signs of his love for them and the ultimate proof that their sins were forgiven. They were overjoyed.

Take that picture of Jesus and focus on it with your mind’s eye. The risen Lord Jesus stands in front of you with his hands out-stretched. You see the nail marks—proof that YOUR sins are forgiven too. And what does he say to you? He says exactly what he said to those disciples.

Peace be with you!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for your promise that, just as you rose from the dead, you will one day raise me from the dead. Let the peace of this promise fill my heart. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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With Joy Give Thanks – April 15, 2023

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. In that day you will say: “Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name.”
Isaiah 12:2-4

With Joy Give Thanks

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Daily Devotion – April 15, 2023

Devotion based on Isaiah 12:2-4

See series: Devotions

When I think of drawing water out of a well, I usually don’t associate that with joy. I’ve never actually done it myself, but it looks hard. A gallon of milk gets heavy very quickly if I decide to not use a shopping cart. In comparison, pulling the dead weight of a ten-gallon bucket of water out of the ground doesn’t sound like a lot of fun; that sounds like work. Hard work!

But the prophet Isaiah tells us that we will draw water with joy. He tells us about a well that is not a burden to draw from. It’s the well of salvation. From the well of salvation, we draw water that brings real and lasting joy. That’s because we are drawing living water. We draw the life-giving water of God’s Word.

Do you ever go a day without drinking water? It’s pretty hard to do, especially if you are outside spending time in the sun. You need water, and you would never think of going without it for very long. But sometimes we treat the living water of God’s Word as if it is somehow less important, less needed. Sometimes we go days and weeks without stopping at the well of God’s Word for a nourishing drink. Often, we treat our bodies with more care than our souls.

But there is a treatment for that sin. It’s the living water. Go back to the well of God’s Word and receive forgiveness. Drink up a tall glass of his grace. Drink deeply from it, and be refreshed with the satisfaction that the living water God offers is your salvation. Trust in him and do not be afraid because of everything Jesus has accomplished for you by his life, death, and resurrection. Through your Savior, you will spend eternity with your Lord in the glories of heaven. There you will sing with Isaiah. There you will say every day with a praise-filled heart and voice: “Give thanks to the LORD.”

Thank you, Lord, for refreshing my soul through these moments in your Word. As you care for my physical needs, support me in my spiritual journey, until I join you in paradise. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Banished but Not Forgotten – April 14, 2023

“You hurled me into the depths, into the very heart of the seas, and the currents swirled about me; all your waves and breakers swept over me. I said, ‘I have been banished from your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple.’”
Jonah 2:3,4

Banished but Not Forgotten

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Daily Devotion – April 14, 2023

Devotion based on Jonah 2:3,4

See series: Devotions

Jesus only compared himself to one prophet. He picked the one we would least expect: the prophet Jonah. Reluctant Jonah. Selfish Jonah. Sinful Jonah.

God called Jonah to preach to the foreign city of Nineveh. But Jonah didn’t want to go. He got on a boat and went the other way. And when a storm came up and threatened to sink Jonah’s ship, he told the sailors the only way to stop the storm was to throw him into the sea. And sure enough, once Jonah was overboard in the water, the storm stopped.

There in the sea, Jonah was swallowed by a great fish. From the belly of that fish, Jonah prayed to God, “I have been banished from your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple.” Even in such a terrible predicament, even after he had sinfully disobeyed his God, Jonah trusted that the Lord could rescue him and allow him to one day look at the holy temple in Jerusalem.

Why did Jesus compare himself to this particularly sinful and selfish prophet? Because just as Jonah was delivered from the belly of that fish, Jesus knew he would be delivered from the grave after his death.

Sure enough, after suffering for our sins and being placed in a tomb on Friday, Jesus was raised back to life and walked out of the tomb on Sunday. It all happened just as Jesus knew it would happen. And it will happen to his followers just as he promises it will happen. Although we will suffer death and be placed in the grave, we will be raised one day to experience the eternal life Jesus won for us.

Dear Jesus, thank you for taking my place and for giving me life with God forever. Amen.

Daily Devotions are brought to you by WELS and
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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