The Life-Giving Voice – November 19, 2018

John 5:25,28,29
“…the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live…all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out.”
John 5:25,28,29

The Life-Giving Voice

Daily Devotion – November 19, 2018

Devotion based on John 5:25,28,29

See series: Devotions

Various voices vie for our attention every day. Yet there is one voice among them all that offers everlasting refuge and relief. From the immutable message of the Bible I hear the comforting voice of Christ Jesus.

Jesus’ voice stands in sharp contrast to the enticing voice of the world. Daily, the sinful world seeks to deceive me with its empty promise of pleasure and its vain pledge of treasure. In the midst of the earthly temptations which allure me, the voice of my conscience is speaking too. It convicts me of my guilt and sin. Furthermore, the holy voice of God thunders with the verdict of death upon me for my sin.

Jesus’ voice cuts through the hopeless clamor of despair. He comes with his good news of life! His message reaches the ears and changes the heart. His word provides the answer to the curse of sin. The curse of my sin was placed upon him as he offered his life upon the cross. From Calvary Jesus cried, “It is finished.” In death, his voice was the voice of victory for a dying world of sinners. Through the gospel Jesus freely gives pardon for all my sins. While I live on earth, his word is my life. His message provides heavenly hope that revives me and divine peace that comforts me.

The gospel message will also comfort me as death draws ever nearer. One day my voice will be silenced by the grave. Yet even in the sleep of death, I will hear that victorious voice of the risen Savior. From the dust and ashes of death, Jesus will call me to come forth from the grave. By his grace, he will give me eternal life.

When I rise to live with Jesus in heaven, I rejoice to know that all of the voices that plague me in this life will be silenced. No longer will the voice of the world tempt me; no longer will the voice of Satan accuse me; no longer will the voice of fear disquiet me; no longer will the voice of death shake me! My living Savior will bring me to that home of endless life and boundless joy.

Amidst all the voices vying for your attention, one voice stands out. Trust the voice of Jesus. He gives life now and promises eternal life to come!

Dearest Jesus, continually renew my life through your word. Calm my troubled heart with the promise of your love. Inspire me with the sure hope of eternal life to come. Amen.

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