Liar – June 20, 2019

Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar.
1 John 5:10


Daily Devotion – June 20, 2019

Devotion based on 1 John 5:10

See series: Devotions

Earlier this year there was an article about lying, and how lying impacts your relationships with others. The article did a good job of spelling out the ramifications of lying—ramifications we don’t always think through. Here are a few of those ramifications.

For one, lies erode trust. This is, perhaps, the most obvious impact. Just as a rainstorm can cause a landslide, so also lies can change the landscape of a relationship and cause it to collapse.

For another, lying shows a lack of regard for the relationship. Telling the truth—even a hard truth—demonstrates that you place great value on the relationship. Lies do the opposite.

For still another, lying demonstrates selfishness. When you lie, you show that you are putting yourself and your own interests ahead of the other person.

Finally, liars are also conning themselves, the article said. They are denying their true identity and are pretending to be what they are not. Such an approach is disingenuous and will put a strain on any relationship.

All of which brings us to the Apostle John. John tells us a jarring thing. He tells us that, when you and I fail to trust God and his promises, we are saying that God is a liar. Listen to that again: John tells us that, when you and I fail to trust God and his promises, we are saying that God is a liar.

When things don’t go our way, we claim God must not love us, even though he clearly tells us that he loves us. We doubt that God is doing what is best for us even though he clearly promises that he makes everything work out for our good. And in thinking these things, John says, we are making God out to be a liar.

But that’s why Jesus came. On our behalf, Jesus demonstrated perfect trust in his heavenly Father. Then he took all our sins of unbelief and doubt and carried them to the cross. And now he lives. And because he does, he sends his Holy Spirit to renew our trust every single day.

Lord Jesus, forgive my lack of trust. Move me to believe what you say. Amen.

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