Beloved Child – January 16, 2020

And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17

Beloved Child

Daily Devotion – January 16, 2020

Devotion based on Matthew 3:17

See series: Devotions

Is the desire to please our parents built into us from birth? It seems to me that it is. Sure, that desire may be blunted or even destroyed by parents who treat their children poorly. But I’d guess for most of us, hearing our father or mother say, “I am pleased with you” would be welcome words.

Wouldn’t it be far, far better if God were to say that about you? Wouldn’t it be amazing if God were to say, “I’m well pleased with you?” Wow, that would be great!

This is precisely what the Father said about Jesus at Jesus’ baptism. He was well pleased with everything Jesus said and did. And, remarkably, this is precisely what the Father says about those who have been baptized. Not because everything they say and do is pleasing to him. But because everything Jesus said and did is applied to those who are baptized.

“But, but, but!” we sputter. “I’ve messed it up so badly!” Unfortunately, that’s true.

But God doesn’t look at us based on what we have done but based on what Jesus did in our place. That almighty, perfect heavenly Father can now look at us as if we were Jesus. Or to put it a bit differently, the Father can look at each of us and say, “You are my beloved child, too.”

O Father, assure me and remind me that, through my baptism, I am your beloved child. Amen.

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