May Sunday School Message
April Sunday School Message
March Sunday School Message
February Sunday School Message
January Sunday School Message
December Sunday School Message
November Sunday School Message
October Sunday School Message
Please find the accompanying Costa Maya PowerPoint here *NOTE- please also find the narration for each slide in this document Costa Maya PowerPoint Narration.
September 1, 2020
Begins Sunday, September 13!
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
Psalm 73:26
Christian Parents: In light of current challenges related to classroom gathering, for this fall St. John’s is subscribing to NorthWestern Publishing’s 13-week Christ-Light Remote Learning program. It combines teacher-led lessons and engages parents in reinforcing the lessons in tangible ways with their children in the comfort of your home. Beginning Sunday, September 13, lessons taught by experienced WELS teachers will be available free via YouTube. The engaging and age appropriate Lesson Videos will tie to printed Student Lessons that our church will provide to you at no cost. This new approach presents an easy yet meaningful way for you to encourage your child’s faith in Christ.
To see a preview of the Sunday, September 13 Lesson Video and Student Lesson, visit If you are a veteran Sunday school family, printed Student Lessons for your child(ren) have already been ordered and will be mailed directly to your home. If you are new to St. John’s Sunday school and would like to enroll your child(ren), we ask you to contact us so a packet can be ordered and delivered to your child. Please call, text, or email Linda Wachholz, 608-369-2635,
Beginning on August 21, you can visit the NPH YouTube page to see the first Lesson Videos for each grade level. Each Friday beginning September 11, NPH will post the Lesson Videos for grades PreK-K, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 for the coming Sunday’s lesson on its YouTube page. This link will also be available on our St. John’s church website.
Your SS teaching staff wants to keep in touch with you! We will continue to do so in monthly mailings, via email, and we will also be recording some in-person visits to our SS families to include short devotions, our SS theme, information about a new mission project, and more. You’ll be notified when these are posted on the church website.
Pray with us that we can resume face-to-face Sunday school during the second half of the year. May God bless your child(ren) as we together continue to share His love.
Mrs. Susan Brown PreK 608-494-0665
Ms. Tabitha Stelter K & Gr. 1 608-548-4532
Mrs. Linda Wachholz Gr. 2-3-4-5-6 608-369-2635
Mr. James Wachholz Gr. 2-3-4-5-6 608-297-7109
Pastor Pete Zietlow Superintendent 608-408-7830