“Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away? Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:23-24
God is Everywhere
Devotion based on Jeremiah 23:23-24
See series: Devotions
I woke up in a youth hostel halfway around the world. Frankfurt, Germany was the farthest I had ever been from home. I had a few moments before the day of exploring the city started. I pulled out my little travel Bible from my backpack and determined that I’d read whatever happened to open. What opened? Jeremiah chapter 23.
Verses 23 and 24 jumped out at me. God is EVERYWHERE. God was in Frankfurt. He was on the plane. He was in the United States. The Lord was where I was and everywhere I wasn’t. God is EVERYWHERE at the same time—always.
That can be a scary thought. God is with me when I dole out hate to the people God has called me to love. God is with me when lies tumble off my tongue instead of truth. God is with me when I hide shameful habits from friends and family. Since God is EVERYWHERE, God is witness to every sin of mine.
The Lord who is EVERYWHERE chose to be Immanuel, God with us—true God and true man. The one who is EVERYWHERE chose to be THERE.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, lived in lowly Nazareth, and was baptized in the Jordan River. He healed on hillsides, preached from boats, and taught at the Temple. Jesus chose to stand on trial, to be nailed to a cross just outside Jerusalem, and laid in a nearby tomb. Jesus rose and walked out of that tomb. He strolled and taught his way from Jerusalem to Emmaus with some struggling followers. Our risen Jesus enjoyed a fish breakfast on the beach with his friends, met with over 500 disciples in Galilee, and ascended to heaven. Jesus was there, in all those places, so that we could be forgiven and forever with him there in heaven.
Since we know why and how Jesus was “THERE,” we find great comfort in the fact that the Lord is EVERYWHERE. God is with you everywhere you go, and forgives you and gives you peace. The Lord, your Shepherd, promises to always be with you as he guides you, comforts you, and strengthens you.
No matter where you go, the Lord is there because God is EVERYWHERE.
Lord God, you are EVERYWHERE. Forgive me for every sin you see and know I commit. Give me joy, strength, and peace in your love, forgiveness, and constant presence. Thank you for being everywhere and always with me. Amen.
Lord, you are EVERYWHERE. Forgive me for every sin you see and know I commit. Give me joy, strength and peace in your love, forgiveness and constant presence. Thank you for being everywhere and always with me. Amen.

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