Keep Watch – September 7, 2021

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live.
Deuteronomy 4:9

Keep Watch

Daily Devotion – September 7, 2021

Devotion based on Deuteronomy 4:9

See series: Devotions

How much time do you spend looking at yourself? Whether it is taking and editing selfies, re-watching the video we posted of ourselves on TikTok, or admiring our physique in the mirror after a workout, we spend a lot of time looking at ourselves. Society encourages it. Messaging from our culture continues to say, “you do you.” People are encouraged to focus on themselves and promote who they are and what they stand for.

The Bible also tells us to “watch yourselves closely.” But when God spoke those words, he did not have TikTok in mind. Rather, God wants us to watch our spiritual lives closely. He wants us to keep a close eye on how we live. We are to watch and make sure that we do not forget his blessings and live our lives in appreciation of those blessings. This is counter-cultural. The culture says to do and live however you want. The message really is that there are no boundaries. God tells us the opposite. We are to watch ourselves closely, so we do not stray outside God’s will for our lives. Sadly, we all too often fall short of that goal. We forget what God has done for us, and we are not always concerned about how our lives match up to what pleases our God.

There was one who always watched himself. Jesus never took a selfie, but he sure did keep an eye on his life. He never sinned or strayed from God’s will. He never once thought he should put himself out there and make it all about him. Instead, he was all about us. He offered his life in our place and died to take our sins away. Because of Jesus, we have forgiveness of sins. He watched his life closely so that you and I could have eternal life through him. In thankfulness for his blessings, we strive to keep watch on our lives of faith.

Dear Jesus, thank you for earning my salvation. Help me to keep a close eye on my life of faith so that I may live my life for you. Amen.

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