Access to God – June 16, 2022

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.
Romans 5:1,2

Access to God

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Daily Devotion – June 16, 2022

Devotion based on Romans 5:1,2

See series: Devotions

There is a lot of privilege and prestige that comes with free access. Very few people have direct and free access to the world’s most powerful leaders. It’s a privilege granted only to a few. For the average person to gain even one encounter with someone like the President of the United States, it would take a lot of back-channeling and knowing the right people. Most of us don’t have that access.

Which makes the words in the Bible reading today even more amazing. The apostle Paul writes that we have gained access to the almighty and holy God. But it gets even more amazing. God is holy and perfect and just. And we are not. We sin, make mistakes, and mess up. If we stood before God in this sinful condition, we could not survive.

Someone not only needed to give us access to God but also make us ready to stand before God. That person is Jesus. Jesus opened the door to God’s throne room for us because he fixed our relationship with God.

Jesus lived the perfect life we never could, and now he gives us his perfection. Jesus takes our sin and gives us his holiness through faith. Simply by believing that Jesus has done this for us, we can stand in the grace of God.

To stand in God’s grace means we know Jesus has won peace between God and us, and that we will live forever in the presence of God’s glory.

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me access to God and for giving me your perfect life. Help me to always make use of the privilege you have given to me to go before God with every care and concern. Amen.

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