Stand Firm in the Faith – May 25, 2023

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.
1 Peter 5:8,9

Stand Firm in the Faith

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Daily Devotion – May 25, 2023

Devotion based on 1 Peter 5:8,9

See series: Devotions

“In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.” You probably know this song from the soundtrack of a popular Disney movie. However, the original was written and recorded in 1939 by South African, Solomon Linda.

Linda grew up as a herder who spent his time protecting the cattle from bush lions. His hauntingly hypnotic song contains only two words, Mbube zimba. Less of a lullaby, Linda’s song is the cry of a child cattle herder pleading, “Lion, stop!”

Like Solomon Linda’s original melody, the apostle Peter wrote about a lion that does not sleep. The devil has been prowling and devouring unsuspecting victims throughout the world since the beginning. We should not be lulled into a false sense of security that we are safe in God’s peaceful village. We need to be vigilant.

So, Peter urges us to stay alert, to keep a sober mind, and to stand firm in the faith. Stay alert because that lion masquerades as an angel of light. Keep a sober mind because that old evil foe knows your weaknesses. Stand firm in the faith because one little word can fell him.

He is vicious; but he has no power against the victorious Lamb of God. Jesus’ crucifixion took the teeth out of the jaws of that lying lion. Our Savior’s resurrection has shown the lion’s accusations to be more “meow” than “roar.” The devil cannot tear us from our Champion.

The next time Satan comes snarling, sing with Solomon Linda, “Lion, stop!” But sing it with the confidence of Martin Luther, “I admit that I deserve death and hell. What of it? For I know the One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ.”

God, your Word is my greatest treasure for salvation and truest weapon against the spiritual forces of evil. Help me to hold it tightly and wield it rightly. Amen.

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