For your ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all your paths.
Proverbs 5:21
The Continuous Video Camera
Devotion based on Proverbs 5:21
See series: Devotions
What if you had someone following you around all day with a continuous video camera? The camera would record everything you said and did. Not one second of the day would be unrecorded. Would that make you uncomfortable?
God is like a continuous video camera. He sees all our ways and examines all of our paths. Not only does he see every word and action, but he also sees every thought that enters our minds. He sees even the deepest and darkest. That makes us uncomfortable! We don’t want to watch a home movie of our hurtful words and actions. We don’t want God or anyone else to watch that, either.
Thankfully, our Savior washed away every sin from our hearts, mouths, and bodies. He has cleansed us from ALL our sins. With Jesus in the picture, God’s continuous video camera is a blessing. You can be sure that everything you have done has been in full view of God, and you can be sure he still loves you very much. He has examined all your paths and declares in certainty, “You are forgiven for everything.”
What a blessing to have a Savior who knows all and forgives all!
Father thank you for sending Jesus to wash away my sins so that I may rejoice forever in heaven. Amen.
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