For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
Ephesians 3:14,15
A Father Who Loves Us
Devotion based on Ephesians 3:14,15
See series: Devotions
The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most well-loved stories told by Jesus. In it, a young man takes his share of the family inheritance generously given by his father and in short order, wastes it all on reckless living. The young man, now penniless and at rock bottom, finally comes to his senses. He realizes that he brought shame on his family’s name and squandered his father’s wealth. He couldn’t imagine that he could ever be reconciled to his father. Resolved to return and beg for an entry-level job in his family’s business, the young man barely begins his rehearsed apology before his father runs up and interrupts. With a flurry of affection, the father welcomes him home and loudly calls for a celebration of his lost son’s return.
Some may hear that story and think, “Does a father like that even exist, one who is so loving and forgiving?” The point of Jesus’ parable is that you certainly have such a father—the Almighty God who created all things is Father of us all. He has given you a share in his beautiful creation along with every other person on this planet. Sadly, we have proven to be prodigals ourselves—recklessly and selfishly wasting what God has given to us on things with no true lasting value. How dare we ask him for anything more? But before we could even ask, our heavenly Father came to reconcile us to himself through his one true Son, Jesus Christ. Our older brother Jesus is everything that we were not—faithful, loyal, and loving to his Father and to us, his brothers and sisters. Jesus intercedes for us, reminding his Father—and ours—that our debt has been fully paid by him through his holy blood shed on the cross.
Whoever you are, whatever you’ve done or left undone, you have a Father who loves you more than you can imagine and more than you could have asked for. A heavenly Father who hears and answers your prayers.
Dear Father, I kneel before you in prayer, knowing you will hear me for Jesus’ sake. Forgive my sins and welcome me home. Amen.
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