After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
Matthew 2:1,2
A King for All
Devotion based on Matthew 2:1,2
See series: Devotions
Imagine the conversation. It may be happening through an interpreter. These men are from out of town. They probably don’t speak Aramaic like most of the people in Jerusalem.
“Where is he?”
“Where is who?”
“The King of the Jews.”
“Oh, you mean Herod? He lives in that palace over there.”
“No, not Herod. The new king. We are here to worship the one who was born king of the Jews.”
At this point, maybe you wonder if there’s something lost in translation. It is not entirely unheard of for people to worship kings. Some kings even demand it. But not usually the Jewish kings. And, even if they did, why would foreigners want to worship them?
But the king they are looking for isn’t just the King of the Jews. He was born to be their king, too. They heard prophecies predicting his coming. And now he has come. A careful search of those prophecies is made. Maybe it is even their idea.
And the scholars find a prophecy about a king who would come from Bethlehem. The men from out-of-town hurry to Bethlehem and worship him whose name is Jesus.
Today some people might happily look for a new king or ruler to guide their nation. Others are perfectly happy with the one they have. But these men come looking for a different kind of king—a heavenly King who rules over an eternal kingdom. This king is not just for them but for all. He’s your king, too—God’s gift for all people.
Jesus was born to rule with perfect justice, to bring true freedom from guilt, shame, and even death. He came with perfect love for all—mighty and lowly, rich and poor, young and old, Jew and Gentile. He came for Magi from the east and for Jewish locals. He came for you to be your powerful, loving, and merciful King.
Jesus, the King that I need and long for, move me and all people to find you and worship you in joy! Amen.
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