“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”
Ecclesiastes 1:2
A Meaningful Life
Devotion based on Ecclesiastes 1:2
See series: Devotions
Life has a way of appearing meaningless. There is the routine, the mundane, and the monotonous. Worse, nothing seems to change and only the drudgery of sameness remains. So, life seems absolutely meaningless.
Is this true? Is life meaningless? From one perspective, it is. If this life is all there is, in the end, nothing we do will matter.
But what if this life is not all there is? What if there is a spiritual reality beyond this world? What if there is an eternal reality, we will one day experience? Then, our lives here truly do matter, truly are meaningful.
Nearing the end of his life, a man named Solomon came to this realization. He wrote about it in a book we call Ecclesiastes. After a life filled with wealth and fame, Solomon realized that the only thing that really matters, in the end, is a person’s relationship with the eternal God.
Although Solomon lived nearly three thousand years ago, the lesson he learned is an important reminder for us today. We are constantly assaulted by the world’s mantra of more, bigger, newer, and better. Once we have acquired it, then what? In the end, the things of this world won’t matter.
What matters is our relationship with Jesus. Through Jesus, we have the peace of forgiveness. Through Jesus, we have an unsurpassed joy. Through Jesus, we are set apart for a blessed life now and in heaven. Through Jesus, our lives change from meaningless to eternally meaningful.
Lord, open my eyes to see the emptiness of what the world offers, and seek only those things which you have prepared for me, and given me in love. Amen.

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