When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.”
Genesis 17:1
Almighty God Keeps His Promises
Devotion based on Genesis 17:1
See series: Devotions
It had been 24 years since God had promised Abram that he would have a son with his wife, Sarai. He was now 99. She was 89. If the prospect of having a son at ages 75 and 65 was extraordinary, having a son when he was almost 100 was surely humanly impossible. Yet God came to Abram once again to remind him that whether something seems possible or not is of no consequence to the Almighty. He gave Abram this gentle reminder, “I am God Almighty.” He was saying, “I have not forgotten my promise, Abram. I will still give you and Sarai a son, even in your old age. Doing the impossible is what I do. I will keep my promise.” Abram had not always been faithful, and he had been far from blameless. He and his wife doubted God’s promise at various times. Yet the Almighty God could and still would keep his promise to Abram.
So often, like Abram, we forget that God is almighty, that nothing is impossible for him. Whether we face health problems, conflicts in personal relationships, or just the frustration and worry of daily life in a sinful world, we easily fail to trust in God’s promises to provide and to work in all things for the good of his people. Like Abram, we have not been faithful and certainly we are not blameless.
But our God is Almighty and keeps his promises. He kept his promise to Abram and gave him a son. From that son came a nation and through that nation God sent his Son to save unfaithful, blameful sinners like us. Jesus, the Son of God, gave his holy life on the cross to forgive us and rose again to make heaven our eternal home. God does what is impossible for us to do by ourselves. Through faith in Jesus, he makes sinners into saints. He brings us from death to life. He changes us from being his enemies to being his sons and daughters.
So walk before God Almighty knowing that he has all power. Walk before God Almighty knowing that he can do what we may think is impossible. Walk before God Almighty knowing that he keeps his promises. Walk before God Almighty because through faith in Jesus he makes you faithful and blameless.
Heavenly Father, for the sake of my Savior, Jesus, forgive me when I waver in my faith. Remind me and reassure me that you are my Almighty God who keeps his promises. Amen.
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