[Christ] … is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe. It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers.
Ephesians 4:10-11
Devotion based on Ephesians 4:10-11
See series: Devotions
Can you imagine what it was like to see Jesus ascending to heaven? He was standing there, talking with and blessing the disciples when suddenly, he was taken up into the sky! Wow! It must have been amazing!
But it was so much more than what met the eye. He ascended “in order to fill the whole universe.” Wow again! That same Jesus who was standing there talking with his followers face-to-face now fills the entire universe! His ascension proves it! Amazing!
But now here comes, perhaps, the most amazing part of all. How does he use his power? He uses it for the good of his people! Specifically, he raised up apostles and prophets. And now he continues to raise up evangelists, pastors, and teachers. That’s how he chooses to use his power.
Why is this so important? Because ultimately there’s nothing that a prophet could do, which would be more important than making sure that his message is spread! Jesus, THE Prophet, wants people to know that he is the Savior who paid for all sins and won eternal life for us humans. Jesus wants people to come to believe in him so that they can spend eternity with him in heaven.
Yes, that’s what the all-powerful and filler-of-all-things wants! He wants that for you! And so, he makes sure that his message gets out, and that there are messengers to get that message out. Thank God that he does it, because that guarantees that you can keep on hearing that wonderful message of salvation. What a gracious Prophet Jesus is!
O gracious Prophet, keep sending messengers, so that your message might continue to be spread. Amen.
The devotions in March on Thursday and Friday focus on the office of Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King.

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