“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Mathew 10:29-30
An Abiding Love
Devotion based on Mathew 10:29-30
See series: Devotions
Does God really love me? Is he really concerned about my problems? Does he really hear my prayers? These questions tend to grow when the seeds of doubt and distress are planted, and when they are fully grown, they produce fear. I’m afraid when sickness comes. I’m afraid when problems arise. I’m even more afraid when death threatens.
The answer to my doubts and fears is clear, but I may not always remember it. This is why I need to listen to God’s promises, to trust his will for my life, and to rely on what God has done for me in Jesus.
A good starting point is when Jesus teaches his disciples about his abiding love. What is amazing is that he uses such a simple picture. Sparrows are plentiful, and they have seemingly little value. Still Jesus uses his Father’s care for these tiny creatures as evidence of his abiding love. Think of it. Not one escapes God’s loving oversight. Not one is uncounted. Not one is uncared for.
Jesus uses this picture to remind me how precious I am to God. He further adds that every hair on my head is numbered and not one falls without his knowledge. This is the intimate assurance I need. There is no doubt Jesus has an abiding love for me, but if any doubt lingers still in my heart, then I go to his cross. There I see an even clearer display of his abiding love.
At the cross I see everything Jesus did for me. My guilt, my sorrow, my punishment—all that was needed to free me from sin, death, and the devil—Jesus endured in my place. In his life, his death and his resurrection as my Substitute, Jesus displays his abiding love. Through faith I see his love is pure, limitless, and mine.
It is because of Jesus’ abiding love that I can trust him and rely on his care. It is also why I don’t have to be afraid.
O blessed Jesus, how great is your mercy. How deep is your compassion. How amazing is your love. By means of your abiding love you rule over all things for my benefit. By the same love you also answer my doubts and remove my fears. I rejoice in you, my Savior. Amen!
This devotion was selected from the Daily Devotion archive.
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