Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.
Romans 5:1-2
An All-access Pass to God
Devotion based on Romans 5:1-2
See series: Devotions
How far would you go to gain access to someone famous? How much would you pay for a backstage pass to a musical legend? How long would you stand in line to get an autograph from your favorite athlete or movie star?
How do you gain access to God? People have tried to figure that out since God banned Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. We have tried to gain access to God through hard work, through human intelligence, through our emotions, through wealth, and numerous other paths. However, each route leads us to the same dead-end. We can do nothing to gain access to God. Our sin has completely severed that connection.
What we have broken, God himself has restored. Rather than hold us accountable, he went after his Son for our sins. At the cross, God took out his anger over the world’s sin on his Son.
Because of Jesus and in Jesus, you have peace with God. You do not need to feel ashamed or guilty any longer. Jesus has forgiven the sins of your past. You can rest easy. God is not going to come knocking. No payment is left. The debt is gone.
Because of Jesus and in Jesus, you have full access to God. This means that when you need his help, you can call on him at any time. He will never put you on hold. When you call on him, he will never give you a generic list of options. His help is always tailor-made to fit your needs.
Because of Jesus and in Jesus, you have hope—a wonderful future in heaven. You may have troubles now, but God will turn all things out for your eternal good, and right all the wrongs you now suffer. No matter how tough your life is right now, before you know it, you will have a pain-free and trouble-free life forever with God in his glory.
Heavenly Father, thank you for my all-access pass to your help, to the peace of your forgiveness, and the hope of eternal life; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

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