After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John, the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.
Matthew 17:1-2
Blessed Assurance
Devotion based on Matthew 17:1-2
See series: Devotions
Jesus knew the dangers the disciples would have to endure. There would be the distraction of his capture and crucifixion. There would be the despair at his death and burial. There would be the deception which challenged the report of his resurrection. In order to sustain his disciples through these difficult times, Jesus offered them a blessed assurance. He allowed them to witness his glory as true God at his transfiguration.
Initially the disciples couldn’t comprehend the significance of that glorious display, but later they would come to cherish it. It was that picture of Jesus’ glory as God which encouraged them in their times of doubt. It strengthened them in their times of weakness. It even emboldened them to speak when they were challenged to remain silent. Jesus’ transfiguration provided the blessed assurance the disciples needed.
Like the disciples I will have to endure daily distractions, doubts and deceptions. The devil and the world are relentless in their attacks to overcome my sin-weakened and battle-wearied flesh. I need the same blessed assurance Jesus provided the disciples.
I need to know Jesus is the all-powerful Son of God who controls all things and works all things for my good. I need to know he is my faithful Savior who daily and richly forgives all my sins. I need to know he is my ever-present refuge and strength in every time of trouble. With this blessed assurance I can endure every challenge and conflict. With this blessed assurance I can overcome every fear and temptation. With this blessed assurance I can live with complete confidence I will see Jesus face to face in all his heavenly glory.
O blessed Savior, you are strong while I am weak. You are faithful while I struggle. You are righteous while I am sinful. Daily remind me of your great power as the Son of God, and your great love as my Savior. Daily give me the assurance I need so I can live for you in this life, and live with you in the life to come. Amen.
This devotion was selected from the Daily Devotion archive.
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