“And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Acts 2:21
Call on Him Who Listens and Saves
Devotion based on Acts 2:21
See series: Devotions
Have you ever tried to phone someone only to discover that the number was changed and is now unlisted? This can be very frustrating, especially if you really need to reach that person.
Imagine not being able to reach God, or worse, having him hang up on you! But don’t be afraid of that. The apostle Peter tells us that a call to God, based on true faith in him as our Lord, will always get through. The “line” to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will never be disconnected for those who call on him.
These words also remind us that the day of judgment is fast approaching. It could come this year. It could come next week. Today is our time of grace; our time to call on the name of the Lord in faith and live with the blessing of being connected to him now and forever. This is also our time to point others to Jesus Christ who is the only source of their salvation, so that they too may call on the Lord in faith and be saved.
Heavenly Father, I thank and praise you for not turning a deaf ear to my cries for mercy and for sending your one and only Son to take the punishment my sins deserve. Help me call on you in faith for my eternal salvation and help me share this wonderful news with others. Amen.

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