May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.
1 Thessalonians 3:13
He Comes to Make Us Blameless and Holy
Devotion based on 1 Thessalonians 3:13
See series: Devotions
“Do you think of yourself as more of a sinner or a saint?” This was the question that the pastor asked his Bible Study group. The response was unanimous. Everyone agreed they thought of themselves as more sinner than saint.
Maybe it was the power of group dynamics talking. No one wanted to be seen as prideful. Or perhaps it was simply the truth. As we conduct our lives on this earth, we realize that there are many ways to stumble along the path of following our God in faith. Experience tells us, “I am a sinner.”
Of course, the Bible tells us that both are true. We are sinners—because we are weak and possess a sinful flesh that always wants to follow its own path. And we are saints—completely forgiven, washed clean by the precious blood of Christ.
The sinner part we seem to accept more easily. But in today’s Bible passage, the apostle Paul calls us to believe the other truth as well. You are a saint!
How can this be? Don’t look to yourself for the proof. Honest reflection would only leave you feeling even more like a sinner.
Instead, trust God’s promises in the Bible. In his Word, God shows you how sinners become saints. The Savior came to a world of sin and overcame it. Jesus met sin at the cross where your sin became his, and his holiness became yours. Through faith, God has changed your heart to know the love of Christ and the promise of eternal life.
Many days, we will struggle to believe it. How can this sinner be a saint? Go to the Word. There, God strengthens your heart. There, God will again convince you of the truth. Through the blood of Jesus, you are blameless and holy.
Lord Jesus, thank you for taking on my sin and giving me your holiness. Help me to believe that I am washed clean, a saint. Strengthen me to live as one. Amen.
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