The Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
Genesis 3:9
Come Clean
Devotion based on Genesis 3:9
See series: Devotions
“Where are you?” The almighty and all-knowing God of the universe was not asking that question because he was unable to locate Adam. He asked the question because he was giving the man a chance to come clean. Like any parent who knows exactly what his child has done, the Lord God was lovingly giving Adam an opportunity to be honest about what he did.
God could ask the same question of us today. “Where are you?” Are we hiding from God in a busy schedule—filling up our days with so many things that it is never convenient to address issues in our spiritual lives? Or maybe we are burying ourselves in social media and websites so that we never have to face reality about a specific failing in our lives. Perhaps we are spiraling downward in a cycle of addiction or despair over the guilt that we have so far refused to come to terms with. Where are you?
Wherever we are, God lovingly calls out to us and invites us to run to him and come clean and find our loving Father in heaven. He patiently calls out to us and invites us to turn toward him. God wants nothing more than for us to come out of hiding and confess our sin and turn toward him to receive love and compassion and free and full forgiveness. God’s will is that we all repent and find eternal salvation in Jesus.
We may not always want to be found by God, but he made every effort to seek us. In love, he sent Jesus as our Savior from sin to die on the cross and give his life in our place. Jesus then rose from the dead to guarantee our forgiveness and our place in heaven. In Christ, we are God’s forgiven children who have no need to hide. Where are you? By the grace of God, one day, the answer to that question will be: “I am in heaven forever with Jesus.”
Dear Lord God, forgive me for my sin and for all the times I have hidden from you. Thank you for seeking me out and for the forgiveness that is mine in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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