Consider the Spiritual Welfare of Others – January 30, 2018

If what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
1 Corinthians 8:13

Consider the Spiritual Welfare of Others

Daily Devotion – January 30, 2018

Devotion based on 1 Corinthians 8:13

See series: Devotions

People can go to extreme lengths for those things they consider to be important. Sometimes it is quite silly. I remember watching a football playoff game in 1997 on a television that my friends and I had moved outside. We said, “If our team has to play in sub-zero temperatures, the least we can do to show our support is watch in the same weather they are playing in.” Other times it is more serious. An older brother shaves his head in support of his younger sibling who is going through radiation treatments.

Silly or serious, there is a common thread—there are times when we are willing to make sacrifices to show our love for others.

There is something that is far more serious than supporting your favorite football team, or even a loved one who has cancer. The faith of those around you is more important because it determines whether you will see them in heaven or not. How far are you willing to go to make sure that no damage comes to someone else’s faith? Are you willing to make personal sacrifices to make sure that those around you do not separate themselves from God eternally?

Your Savior, Jesus, was willing to give up everything to make sure that your relationship with God would be an eternal one. He willingly sacrificed his life for your sins so that you can live forever in heaven.

As you rejoice in the salvation that is yours through his loving sacrifice, consider the spiritual welfare of others and the impact your words and actions have on them. If there is something that you do that causes another to sin, or damages their faith in any way, please reconsider. Even if what you say or do is not a sin on your part, is it really worth it to exercise your freedom if it hurts someone else spiritually?

Extend the same love to others that Jesus has for you. His love for you caused him to overlook his “rights” as the sinless Son of God. He endured suffering and death that he didn’t deserve—all for your spiritual and eternal benefit.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times when I have focused on my own desires and rights at the expense of others. Thank you for your willingness to sacrifice yourself for me. Help me to be willing to make sacrifices for others. In your name I ask it. Amen.

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