What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short.
I Corinthians 7:29
Devotion based on I Corinthians 7:29
See series: Devotions
“The test is on Friday.” “There are eight seconds left, and we are down by two.” “Monday, I make my presentation before the board.” “My dinner guests will be here in 25 minutes.”
Deadlines are something we know all about. When “crunch time” hits, we know we need to get very focused on the task at hand. Everything needs to be in order before time runs out.
The Bible encourages us to live every part of our lives with such focus. The “deadline” is at hand in a very literal sense. The cares and tasks of this life can tempt us to forget, but death or Jesus’ return could come at any moment. God blesses us with many things in our lives—spouses, possessions, earthly peace, and happiness. But even these are misused if they become the end goal of our existence.
Thank God that he sent his Son, Jesus, who never once lost track of the task at hand. His steady steps toward a certain death were all made in your place. Know that this is why God accepts you. Fix your eyes on your Savior and focus on the heavenly home that Jesus bought for you. He was determined to be your substitute and pay the price of your sin by shedding his blood. So when God in his wisdom brings you to the last deadline of life, there’s nothing to be anxious about. God has made you ready by faith in Jesus.
Lord, work in my heart to prepare it for your return. Amen.

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