Do it for Love – October 31, 2021

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Galatians 5:6

Do it for Love

Daily Devotion – October 31, 2021

Devotion based on Galatians 5:6

See series: Devotions

Lutheran Christians celebrate a Reformation that happened over 500 years ago. Today is the 504th anniversary of the Reformation. Lutheran Christians remembered how God used a man named Martin Luther to reform the Church.

Perhaps you are wondering, “Why celebrate something that took place so long ago?” Good question.

The Reformation answers this big question, “How do I become right with a holy God?”

We can’t do it on our own. You and I inherited the sinful condition of our parents. Each day, we sin against God and fall miserably short of living the perfect life that God demands of us. Because we are sinners, we deserve to spend our eternity apart from God and his blessings. And nothing can change that! I can try to be a better Christian. I can try to be more loving and kind to my family and other people. But doing many good things won’t help anyone’s relationship with God.

God’s Son, Jesus, is the answer. God sent Jesus to save us. Jesus lived the perfect life that we failed to live. He died on the cross to fully pay for everyone’s sins. And he rose from the dead on Easter so that we can be sure that we have a right relationship with God.

The only thing that counts is Jesus and embracing him by faith. Through the good news about our Savior, the Holy Spirit works saving faith in our hearts. And faith will show itself! Faith is alive and active in the Christian’s heart.

A mother asked her seven-year-old daughter to wash the dishes after supper. The mother gave Samantha a dollar bill when the job was finished. Later that evening, the mother found the bill, along with a note, on the dresser in the bedroom. Samantha’s note read, “Dear Mommy, I did it for love.”

Why do we do good works? Not to get something from God. God has given us everything in Jesus. No, like Samantha, we “do it for love” too!

Thank you, Jesus, for doing everything necessary to save me from my sin. Use that good news to motivate me to serve you and the people you bring into my life. Amen.

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