[Jesus said] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.”
John 14:1
Do Not be Troubled
Devotion based on John 14:1
See series: Devotions
What’s troubling you?
It is hard not to be troubled about something these days. We have had to cancel plans. We have postponed or altered significant life events. We have lost jobs. We have watched friends or family contract and succumb to COVID19. And there’s nothing we can do to change the situation. We aren’t in control. This tiny virus has affected every aspect of our every-day lives. No doubt, it is bound to affect our future way of life too.
It’s troubling.
But then Jesus speaks over our anxiety and distress: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” There is great comfort in believing in the God who created the world. It means that he is more powerful than any pandemic. There is blessed assurance in believing in the God who so loves the world. It means that he gave us his Son to rescue us from all our troubles.
Don’t be troubled.
Jesus came to calm our troubled hearts. He took away the troubles of experienced fishermen by quieting a raging storm. He took away wedding troubles by changing water into wine. He took away hunger troubles by feeding thousands on a few loaves and fish. In fact, he took away every trouble that sin and death caused by overcoming them on the cross. He suffered the judgment we earned for our sins. And he silenced death by rising from the grave.
What do you want to do when trouble comes your way?
Do not let your heart be troubled by guilt. Believe in God who forgives you for Jesus’ sake. Do not let your hearts be troubled by death. Believe in God who gives eternal life to all who believe in his Son. Do not let your heart be troubled by anything else. Believe in God who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Jesus, you know my troubles. As you took care of the world’s troubles on the cross, I believe that you are taking care of my troubles now. Amen.
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