And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Hebrews 12:1,2
Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
Devotion based on Hebrews 12:1,2
See series: Devotions
I don’t know about you, but I am easily distracted. So many things come at us from every different direction and want our attention. Sometimes just a voice in another room or something I see off to the side on my desk derails my train of thought and interrupts my focus.
Not everything vying for our attention is bad. There are important people and things in our lives that need our attention. But an inability to focus on one thing at a time can make it difficult to give the important things in our lives the attention they need.
What’s getting your attention? Does the devil have you chasing after sinful pleasures and selfish urges with the promise of happiness that never really comes?
Does work or school consume all your energy and focus? Is it hobbies, recreation, sports, money, entertainment? What about family? Many of these things are good things; but they aren’t the only thing. And they aren’t what matters most. And if they are all we focus on, we’ll wear ourselves out with temporary things and miss out on far greater blessings from our God.
In the next few days, I hope you will join Christians around the world in taking a journey. Set aside time to attend your local church for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday services. There, take a spiritual journey as you hear about and meditate on events that changed the course of history. There, tune out the distractions of daily life and just watch and listen.
There, fix your eyes on Jesus, who fixed his eyes on you when he came to die for you. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who let nothing distract him from his mission of mercy to rescue you from sin and death. Fix your eyes on Jesus, who persevered through adversity to win for you an eternal inheritance.
In faith, see him who loved you enough to die for you. In faith, see him who is waiting for you across life’s finish line, waiting to welcome you home.
Jesus, my Savior, fix my eyes on you, as I run life’s race, so that one day I will see you face-to-face. Amen.
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