If you, LORD, kept a record of sins, LORD, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; so that we can, with reverence, serve you.
Psalm 130:3,4
Free and Full Forgiveness
Devotion based on Psalm 130:3,4
See series: Devotions
Imagine you are taking a look at your checkbook, and you don’t like what you see. Or maybe you don’t have to imagine. Looking at the list of deposits placed into your account, you see a problem. The amount of income is not enough to cover your expenses. Frustration! What’s more, you don’t have a solution for reconciling the account.
Imagine if the Lord God kept a record of sins like we keep a record of our finances in our checkbook. We would have a massive debt before God and have no hope of settling the account with him. We would be helpless and hopeless before God.
But don’t despair; there is good news: with the Lord there is forgiveness. He is our merciful, loving God who paid the debt of sin for us. He charged his Son for our sin; the blood of Jesus was the complete payment that has set us free from the guilt of all of our sins. We are forgiven!
If some kind person made a deposit into your checking account to wipe out your financial debt, certainly you would be happy and thank that person for their help and generosity. How much more will we always thank and praise the Lord for the free and full forgiveness of sins that we have through Jesus!
Lord God, fill me with the peace and joy of the forgiveness of sins accomplished by Jesus’ suffering and death for me. Amen.

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