Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5
Give Thanks
Devotion based on Psalm 100:4-5
See series: Devotions
Be thankful. It’s good for us. There are many secular studies that show that gratitude is an emotionally and physically beneficial thing for us. Daily journaling reasons to be thankful is a good thing.
People can be thankful for things. But thankfulness isn’t “complete” until we’re also thankful to someone—the one responsible for giving us those good things.
In Psalm 100, the grateful writer is thankful and praises God. Why? The LORD is good. The LORD’S love and faithfulness continue forever.
Christians are grateful to God. We are thankful because God is good to us. Thankfulness to God is honest and appropriate. Who ultimately is responsible for every good gift in our lives? Every good spiritual, physical, and emotional blessing we have ultimately comes from God.
What’s on your thankfulness list? Perhaps a start to a thankfulness list could look something like this: God blesses me with life, health, food, clothes, shelter, family, friends, and work. Jesus lived, died, and rose for me and my salvation. I’m redeemed and forgiven. The Holy Spirit works through his Word to create and strengthen faith, grow me in faith, and increase his peace in my heart. What else could you add to your thankfulness list?
How do you plan to regularly thank God? You can thank God in your daily prayers after meditating on God’s Word. Perhaps it’ll be in morning conversations with family and friends. You can thank God in a journal (digital or paper), or by following a book (like 364 Days of Thanksgiving), or in your prayers before you fall asleep at night.
Thank you, LORD. You are good. Your love and faithfulness endure forever.
Lord, you are faithfully and forever good and loving to me. Forgive my ingratitude. Open my eyes and heart to see all the ways you love and bless me. Fill me with gratitude for your goodness to me. Amen.

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