[Our God] is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.
Deuteronomy 32:4
God is Just
Devotion based on Deuteronomy 32:4
See series: Devotions
A characteristic of God that he revealed about himself in the Bible is that he is just. But instead of embracing the fact that God is just, we often paint an imbalanced picture of God. We read and know that God is love. God loves the whole world. God loves each of us. We tend to focus so much on the fact that God is love that we sometimes forget or ignore the truth that God is also holy and just.
It is much more comfortable for us to try to put God on trial instead of being under scrutiny ourselves. How fair, holy, just, and loving are we? How would the people around us answer that? Should we ask God? Our verdict comes back. Our sin makes us guilty of being far less than perfect, loving, and just.
Since God is just, he needs to carry out his sentence for sin. Because God is love, he did not want the punishment of eternal death to fall on sinners—on you and me. And so, as the Bible teaches, God sent his Son to be the complete sacrifice for sin “to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26). God is just. He carried out the sentence of death for sin, but the one who bore the suffering and death was Jesus. Jesus died for the sins of each and every person. Because of Jesus’ innocent sufferings and death, God is just by not charging us with the guilt of sin. God is the justifier. Through Jesus he declares us not guilty.
God is just. We hate that fact when we see our sins and know what we deserve. But we love God’s justice when we see Jesus’ cross and empty tomb. God is just. In Christ we are forgiven.
Dear God, you are holy and just in who you are and all you do. Thank you for punishing Jesus in my place and giving me forgiveness and peace through him. Grow my faith so that your love and holiness increase in my heart and life. Amen.

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