God’s Instruction Manual – July 6, 2018

I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore, I hate every wrong path. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:104-105

God’s Instruction Manual

Daily Devotion – July 6, 2017

Devotion based on Psalm 119:104-105

See series: Devotions

I don’t always know the right thing to do. I wish I could trust my gut or at least my conscience, but I can’t. The desires of my heart are a mixed bag. Or, as one theologian put it, “We are at the same time a sinner and a saint.” That means sometimes we have good, God-given motives and actions. But other times, we are being influenced by our sinful nature to live a selfish life. On our own, we just don’t know the best way to live.

That’s why we need God’s Word. Now, the Bible is first and foremost an account of God’s great rescue mission in Jesus Christ. But the Bible is also an instruction manual for life. You see, God designed the world, and his Word shows us how things are supposed to work.

We need instruction manuals. Have you ever tried to assemble a dresser from IKEA without the instructions? Sure, you might be able to build something that resembles a dresser, but it won’t work properly, and you will end up with lots of extra parts.

That’s what happens when you try to assemble your life, family, and marriage without God’s Word. Sure, you might be able to build something that resembles a family, but it probably won’t work properly. Yet, when you look at God’s instruction manual you will see how things were really designed to be.

God’s Word is a “lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” We might not always be able to trust our gut or our conscience, but we can always trust God’s Word.

Lord Jesus, forgive us for all the times we tried to live our life without listening to your instructions. Holy Spirit, show us the way we ought to live, and give us the ability to carry it out. Amen.

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