And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52
Growth in the New Year
Devotion based on Luke 2:52
See series: Devotions
Wait, what? It makes sense to me that Jesus would grow in stature. I mean, he came to earth as a baby after all, and he had to grow into an adult, so I understand the physical growth. But Jesus “grew in wisdom”? He is God! How could he get any wiser?
This verse of the Bible reminds us that when Jesus came to earth to be my Savior, he humbled himself, deciding not to make use of all the divine powers that he had from eternity. This verse of the Bible helps me to appreciate his sacrifice.
God the Father appreciated the sacrifice, too. “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17) were words that the Father spoke about his Son. Jesus also grew in favor with people as they saw the way he lived.
The more I hear about Jesus, the more he grows in favor with me as well. When I consider that he made the ultimate sacrifice for me, suffering hell and dying, I am moved to thankfulness and praise. Based on that, I want to grow even more in my appreciation of Jesus in the coming year.
Lord Jesus, let me love you more and more, always better than before. Amen.
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