How Could He Do That? – November 20, 2023

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”
Isaiah 1:18

How Could He Do That?

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Daily Devotion – November 20, 2023

Devotion based on Isaiah 1:18

See series: Devotions

The 17-year-old girl opened the side door as quietly as she could. She exhaled as she looked around. No one was awake. She knew there was no hiding the situation, but she didn’t feel up to dealing with it at this hour. It could wait until morning. She slid her shoes off and tip-toed to her room, slid into bed, and closed her eyes.

And then she opened them. There was no way she could sleep. She was too busy reliving and worrying about the crash she had caused, driving later than she was supposed to and faster than she should have. The car limped home, and it sat in the street. She was safe. But she worried about the ramifications and consequences from her parents. After shifting around for hours, she drifted off to sleep.

“Knock, knock.” Here we go, she thought. What will he say? Bracing herself, she squeaked, “Come in.” Her dad came through the door, walked to her bed, and held out his arms. As they hugged, he whispered, “I’m thankful you’re safe. Now let’s go get you a new car.”

I hear your thoughts: “What? How could he do that? She’ll never learn!”

The devil cries the same words when he hears the prophet Isaiah’s words for our devotion today—how could God say our sins will not be held against us? But he does say so. He takes sin-stained people—like you and me—and declares us pure. Clean as the driven snow. Not a blemish on us. He’s settled the matter once and for all. How? By becoming our substitute in the person of Jesus Christ. By giving us credit for the perfectly pure life he lived. By going to the cross and paying the price we owed for our sins.

So, do not lose another moment of sleep because of your sin. Rest easy in the loving embrace of your heavenly Father.

Lord, thank you for settling the matter. Thank you for deciding to forgive my sins. To clean me and make me pure. I ask you to continually settle my heart because you’ve settled the matter. Amen.

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