Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”
John 4:6,7
Jesus Knows Your Thirst
Devotion based on John 4:6,7
See series: Devotions
In today’s Bible reading, we are told about Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at the well outside of the town in which she lived. It was just the two of them. No one else was there and it’s easy to understand why.
It was noon—not the typical time to get water from the town well. You see, to get water from the well, you had to carry your bucket from home, hope there was enough water in the 100-foot deep well, lower your bucket, lift it back up, and carry the heavy load home. This was not a job you wanted to do at the hottest time of the day!
But it is what this woman did because that was easier than going to the well when it was crowded with people, people who knew the kind of life she had lived, the kind of life she was now living. Everyone knew she was living a life of sin, which is why Jesus offered her a glass of spiritual water. He knew she was thirsty. Not for water but for forgiveness.
We are too. There are certain things about our lives and certain desires that creep into our hearts we would prefer to keep hidden from everyone. But just as Jesus knew this woman’s sin, he also already knows each of ours.
And he offers us the refreshing gift of forgiveness. Just as the woman didn’t ask Jesus for water that day, neither did we ask Jesus to offer his perfect life as the sacrifice to pay for all of our sins. Yet that’s exactly what he did.
Whatever sin in your past is parching your soul, find refreshment in the fact that it is already forgiven.
Father in heaven, you know my heart and are aware of every sin. Let me never forget the gift of forgiveness already won for me by Jesus. Amen.

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