When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him.
Matthew 25:31,32
Judged By the Son of Man
Devotion based on Matthew 25:31,32
See series: Devotions
Judges are important for any society that seeks justice. They are responsible for seeing to it that every person is treated equally and fairly. Judges are important.
Jesus said that when he returns one day, there will be a courtroom of sorts, and there will be a judge sitting on a throne. All the angels will be with him, but none of them will be more important than the judge on that throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, but no one from those nations will be more important than he is, no matter how important those people were in life on earth. The judge will be the most important person there. He will hold the power of eternal life and eternal death.
When Jesus says that the judge will be the Son of Man, he is referring to himself. Although Jesus is the God of this universe, he became a human being, so he is called the Son of Man. Long before he was born, he ruled over the earth, and on judgment day, it will be obvious that he still does, even though he humbled himself to be the son of a woman.
As a perfectly just judge, Jesus would have had to find every person guilty of disobeying his holy Word because every single one of us has—over and over again. But, thankfully, when he came to this earth the first time, he took the punishment for our disobedience. He will not forget this when we stand before him on the Last Day. All who trust in his saving work will be found not guilty and spend eternity with him and his angels. How wonderful to know that on that wonder-filled day, we will not need to be afraid!
Calm my fears about death and judgment day, dear Lord. Let your saving work give me unshakable confidence. Amen.

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