[Jesus said] “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
Matthew 10:21,22
Keep Us Steadfast
Devotion based on Matthew 10:21,22
See series: Devotions
On June 25, 1530, Lutheran reformers presented the Augsburg Confession to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. This confession was a bold declaration of Lutheran beliefs in the face of opposition and persecution. The Lutherans who signed it knew they would face severe consequences for their confession of faith, yet they chose to stand firm in their convictions.
Just as Jesus warned his disciples that family members would betray one another, the Lutheran reformers experienced firsthand the painful reality of division within families. Many faced rejection, disapproval, and even abandonment from their loved ones because of their commitment to the gospel. Despite these hardships, they remained steadfast, holding to the truth they found in the Bible.
The Lutheran reformers teach us the importance of standing firm in our beliefs, even when it comes at a cost. Our loyalty to Christ needs to surpass any earthly ties, even familial bonds. This does not mean we disregard or disrespect our families, but rather that we prioritize our allegiance to Christ above all else.
Just as the Lutheran reformers faced persecution for their faith, we may encounter similar challenges. Our commitment to Christ may result in tension or even separation within our families. However, we can find strength and encouragement in knowing that we are not alone. The same God who sustained the reformers is with us today, guiding us and granting us the endurance we need.
Dear Lord, thank You for the example of endurance displayed by the Lutheran reformers and their commitment to the gospel. Help me to remain steadfast in my faith, even in the face of opposition or betrayal. Grant me the strength to prioritize our allegiance to you above all else and to endure in my journey with you. Amen.

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