Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name.”
Psalm 66:1-4
Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
Devotion based on Psalm 66:1-4
See series: Devotions
Do you enjoy Christmas carols? What about those music stations that play Christmas songs twenty-four hours a day?
Christmas carols began as expressions of humble praise to God. But many of the songs we hear today are about red-nosed reindeer, snowmen, and sleigh rides. Sure, those songs can be fun, and there is nothing wrong with innocent fun. But they are empty of praise.
Real praise joyfully responds with humble adoration to God’s powerful work. At Christmas, we rejoice that God came to earth. Through his humble life, God demonstrates the awesome power of sacrificial love.
In giving us his Son, God was gifting us something we could never pay for and definitely do not deserve—forgiveness for all our sins, victory over our spiritual enemies, and eternal life.
Our God wants everyone to benefit from his gracious gift. So, keep singing those carols! Make his praise glorious! Sing with joy and enthusiasm! And if you can’t make music, listen with a heart tuned to praise that Christ came to earth. Let everyone know about the perfect gift we have been given—God with us! God for us!
Prayer: (Christian Worship: Hymnal – 315, vs 4)
Savior, hear my welcome cry—loud hosannas lifted high! King of glory, enter in; cleanse my soul of every sin. Amen.
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