[Jesus said] “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. . . I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”
John 10:14,16
Listen to the Good Shepherd’s Voice
Devotion based on John 10:14,16
See series: Devotions
When you hear different voices all shouting at once, which one do you listen to? Parents know what that’s like when all their children are crying at once. Teachers have been in a classroom where multiple students call out different answers to the same question. When so many voices are calling out, it’s hard to hear any one of them.
There are a lot of voices in the world clamoring for our attention. All of them are saying different things. There’s the voice of popular opinion—what people think is correct and acceptable. There are the voices of false teachings—this teacher says this, that teacher says that. There are voices of criticism calling the Christian faith outdated or unloving. Internally, we hear the voice of doubt and uncertainty.
But there is one voice that triumphs over all. The voice of the Good Shepherds calls us to listen to him. And as we listen to him, we come to know him better. The voice of your Good Shepherd calls out to you in every word of the Bible. He quiets the clamor of all the voices in the world. He calls us back from the dangers of sin and unbelief and speaks soothing words of forgiveness and reassurance. We listen to his voice to know what is true and good. We listen to his voice to have all doubt chased away so we can live confidently in God’s love.
Good Shepherd, quite the clamor of the world around be so I may always listen to your voice. Amen.
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