Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
Psalm 139:7-8
Devotion based on Psalm 139:7-8
See series: Devotions
A five-year-old boy had a terrible nightmare. He dreamt that his family had vanished and left him all alone. The boy woke up terrified in the middle of the night and began frantically searching the house in the darkness, looking for his parents. But it was to no avail, for in his confusion, he forgot to check their bedroom. What a relief when his bewildered father came downstairs and found him whimpering in the kitchen.
Loneliness is a terrible feeling and abandonment is even worse. Here’s where we discover the amazing comfort of God’s omnipresence, which means that God is present everywhere. Only God possesses this quality, so the psalm writer, King David, makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is truly God because he, too, is everywhere.
And what a comfort! A five-year-old child is terrified if he’s left all alone, but even for adults the world is a frightening place. How should we deal with financial ruin, terminal illness, or the death of someone we dearly love? How can we handle even just the stress of daily living and the endless stream of nagging problems? Most importantly, how can we face our own death? The problems of this world are too big for us to handle on our own. We know this. But we are not alone.
Make sure you know why this is true.
Jesus died praying Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” God the Father abandoned his only Son while Jesus was on the cross. Jesus was plunged into darkness and indescribable suffering…alone. Why was Jesus torn from his Father? Why did he experience the terrible abandonment of God? He was getting what we deserved. He was suffering for our sins. He endured our punishment. Jesus cried out to his Heavenly Father, “Why have you forsaken me?” so we would never have to.
Through faith in Jesus God is present with you forever. No matter what you’re going through; no matter how dark things are, the Lord almighty is with you. He has you by the hand and he will never let you go. Never! Not even death can separate you from him.
The Lord almighty is with you and with him you are safe.
Holy Spirit, I have nothing to fear because you are with me. Help me to ponder that truth this day. Amen.

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