His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
Luke 1:50-52
Lord, Lift Us Up!
Devotion based on Luke 1:50-52
See series: Devotions
A lot of people love the holidays. Houses shine at night with sparkling Christmas lights. Carols are blasting on radios. Families come together for presents, food, and laughs. It can be a wonderful time that we love and cherish.
However, I know some people who can’t stand this time of year. This time of year, brings out all sorts of problems. Some feel stress from business projects that must be completed before the new year. Others worry about purchasing just the right gift for their loved ones and feel empty when the present falls flat. There are still other people who don’t like the holidays because they remind them of the loved ones they have lost or don’t feel like they have anyone in their life who loves them.
I don’t know where you fall. Maybe you’re on one side or the other. Maybe you have a mix of emotions. But today’s Bible reading reminds us of a wonderful thing that the babe born in Bethlehem does for all of us this Christmas: he lifts us up!
Your heart might be heavy with emotions, and getting through these days might seem like an impossible task. But take care. God delivered on the promise of sending your Savior into this world to pick you up and carry you through those times of stress and strain. When you look into that manger this Christmas, see the Savior who loved you so much that he shouldered your guilt, shame, and sin and carried it with him to a cross so that darkness would be gone forever. Jesus still comes to us through his Word and lifts us up to get us through those dark times.
I pray this Christmas that you don’t get caught up with all the things that cause your heart to ache and that the news of the forgiveness of your Savior lifts you up and brings you peace.
Dear Jesus, crush those thoughts of loneliness and stress and lift me up with your Word. Amen.
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