The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
Isaiah 61:1-3
Mission Accomplished
Devotion based on Isaiah 61:1-3
See series: Devotions
There was no spark left in his eyes, not even a flicker of joy in his heart. Life had become a mere existence that he didn’t even want to hold on to anymore. He had lost track of the number of sleepless nights he had spent on the hard “mattress,” if you could call it that. The days spent in darkness had long since begun to run together. Thoughts of escape no longer occupied his mind. He had lost hope.
It’s the kind of situation they make movies about, but few of us have ever experienced. Being held prisoner in the worst of conditions by an enemy who has no intention of releasing us is something that few have experienced–physically that is.
Spiritually… that’s a different matter. Each one of us was born into this world under those conditions. Our enemy, the devil, had full control and no intention of releasing his prize. With the shackles of sin and guilt fastened securely and the very real terror of inevitable death there was no hope. Escape was out of the question.
Then our Savior came. His mission was to rescue prisoners, and that is exactly what he did. He broke your shackles by sacrificing his life as payment for your sin and guilt. He scattered the darkness of death by rising from the grave. He now proclaims to you the good news that the perfect life led has been given to you. You are no longer a prisoner, but a perfect, and perfectly free, child of God.
The darkness of death that haunts the dreams of all people no longer haunts you. You have been set free from that fear because through faith in Jesus you will rise to life just as he did.
Jesus came into our world on a rescue mission, and he now proclaims, “Mission accomplished.” You have been set free. Now you can live in peace and hope. Now you can live forever with your Savior.
Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me enough to make it your mission to rescue me. Thank you for being my Savior. Give me the strength to live in the freedom you have won for me. In your name I ask it. Amen.

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