My God – April 23, 2020

Then [Jesus] said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
John 20:27,28

My God

Daily Devotion – April 23, 2020

Devotion based on John 20:27,28

See series: Devotions

Some people don’t believe that Jesus is fully God. Those people don’t understand how God could take on a human body and still remain God. Those people try to downplay Bible passages that call Jesus God or describe Jesus doing things only God can do.

But they are stumped when Thomas calls Jesus “my God” after seeing him risen from the dead. The best they can do is suggest that Thomas swore, using the same kind of language as people who abbreviate their swearing as OMG on the internet.

Thomas did not swear. He confessed a wonderful truth. When you realize that Jesus rose from the dead, you realize that he is God, just as he said. And when you realize that the only true God has called on you to believe in him, you realize that he’s not just God—he’s my God in a very personal way.

There are a lot of false gods in the world, but the true God suffered and died for you, all to take the punishment for your sins. There are a lot of idols in the world, but the true God lived and rose from the dead for you, all to provide you the righteousness that is yours through faith in Christ Jesus. There are a lot of misleading philosophies in the world, but the true God spoke the truth so that you would know who is the Lord of your life.

We are going through challenging and confusing times, but this truth will help you find clarity: Jesus is your Lord and your God.

Jesus, my God and Lord, do not forsake me. I trust your Word. Amen.

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