He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Matthew 25:32,33
Not to Worry
Devotion based on Matthew 25:32,33
See series: Devotions
People worry about the day they will face their maker the day this world comes to an end. They wonder if a movie of their life will play, and everyone will see the bad things they have done. They wonder if they will have the right words to say when they are called on to give an account of their lives.
Jesus instructs people who believe in him not to worry about judgment day. He is the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep, and he will not forget about them or abandon them. He knows precisely who his sheep are, and he promises to be with them all the way through the process of judgment day.
When Jesus returns in glory with his angels, he will sit on his throne and send his angels throughout the earth to gather up his sheep. Those who have died will have their souls reunited with their bodies, and their bodies will be restored, never to die again. Those who are still alive will have their bodies glorified, and then they will be picked by the angels to be taken to the place where Jesus is judging.
The angels will not confuse right and left. Those who trust in Jesus will be on his right, and he will give them eternal life. Those who do not believe in him will be on his left, and he will give them the eternal death that they deserve. There will be no movies and no long line of people guessing what the right words are. For those who are followers of Jesus, there will only be the relief of leaving a sin-filled world to spend eternity at the side of their loving Lord. No wonder there is no reason to worry!
Lord Jesus, you are my Good Shepherd. Send your angels and guide me safely to your right hand on judgment day, then onward into heaven. Amen.

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