May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him. For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.
Psalm 72:11,12
One Size Fits All
Devotion based on Psalm 72:11,12
See series: Devotions
Little in this world is universal. People speak different languages. They have different abilities and come in different shapes and sizes. One-size-fits-all clothes are too big for some and too small for others. Laws meant for all often have loopholes and exceptions. Political policies that help the poor may hurt the rich and vice versa.
Imagine a leader lauded by kings and loved by peasants. Picture a king who truly cares for the greatest and the least, for those who have it all and those who have nothing. A king so wise that he understands what every single person needs. A king that is so powerful that he can provide exactly what everyone needs.
Who wouldn’t choose such a candidate? But you won’t find his name on any ballot. You won’t see him signing bills in the White House or your local city hall.
The Bible describes a King that all kings bow down to and all nations serve. Such a thought would horrify us if he were merely a human king. Rulers with far less influence have been corrupted by such power.
But this is not just any king. He’s not just a king that rich kings bow down to because he acts in their best interests. He’s a king who “delivers the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.”
Jesus is that king. As the Son of God, he rules over all kings and nations with unmatched wisdom and limitless power. But when he came as a human being, he experienced what it was like to be needy and afflicted with no one to help. And he rules to help people in their most desperate time of need.
That means no matter who you are, he rules for you. He rules to rescue you from your desperate need for mercy and hope. He fights to free you from the oppression and affliction of death itself. He listens to your cries and reigns to bring you safely to a perfect, peaceful kingdom that never ends. A one-size-fits-all-perfectly King.
Jesus, my perfect King, hear my cries and help me trust and worship you in every time of need. Amen.
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