Our Precious Pearl – June 6, 2021

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
Matthew 13:45,46

Our Precious Pearl

Daily Devotion – June 6, 2021

Devotion based on Matthew 13:45,46

See series: Devotions

At the time in which Jesus lived, pearls were considered extremely precious. Incredible amounts of wealth were offered for rare, perfectly shaped, and colored naturally produced pearls. The merchant in Jesus’ parable was an expert on pearl quality. He searched long and hard to find the perfect pearl. How many he discarded in his search, we are not told, but finally, he came upon one of pure excellence. That one precious pearl, he recognized, was worth more to him than the sum of all of his possessions.

That’s the point of Jesus’ story. The kingdom of God is worth more than anything and everything we have and hold in our life. Our earthly possessions are temporal; heavenly possessions are eternal. Our earthly wealth is fleeting; heavenly wealth is enduring. Temporal belongings deteriorate; God’s spiritual blessings continue to benefit. Life can be burdensome; in Christ, the burden of sin is lifted. Now things can get confusing and unsettling; Jesus gives us the peace that the world cannot give.

Remember this the next time you are tempted to allow the things of this world to become more important to you than your relationship with Jesus. Remember what is truly valuable!

Jesus, precious Savior, Teach me to value most highly the eternal blessings that you won for me by your life and death. Amen.

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