Although I am less than the least of all God’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.
Ephesians 3:8
Devotion based on Ephesians 3:8
See series: Devotions
In the world of classical music, a contralto singer by the name of Marian Anderson was a giant. The beauty of her voice enthralled audiences around the world. She sang in the White House for Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. She sang for the King and Queen of England. She brought tears to the eyes of a world-renowned voice teacher. A legendary conductor declared that Marian Anderson possessed the finest voice of the century.
Perhaps even more stunning, however, was Marian’s profound gratitude for what she had. A reporter once asked Marian to name the greatest moment in her life. Her answer said a lot about her and a lot about the sense of gratitude that empowered her throughout her career. When the reporter asked Marian Anderson to name the greatest moment in her life, she said it was the day she got to go home and share the news that her widowed mother wouldn’t have to do other people’s laundry anymore.
The Word of God before us comes from the apostle Paul. Paul was one of the greatest proclaimers of Jesus Christ the world has ever seen. Throughout his years of sharing the gospel, however, Paul endured difficulties and hardships of every description. Nevertheless, Paul never forgot the high privilege he possessed. He had tasted the sweet forgiveness of sin his soul had through faith in Jesus Christ. To know he now had the honor to carry that good news to others—such an honor filled him with a gratitude that empowered him throughout his ministry.
You and I have that same privilege. Like Paul, you and I have savored the forgiveness we possess through faith in Jesus. And now it is our high honor to share that good news of forgiveness with others. True, God has given each of us different gifts. But whatever those gifts are, we can use them to touch another soul. As Marian Anderson once said, “Everyone has a gift for something, even if it is the gift of being a good friend.”
And so take the gift you have. Praise God for it. And use it for the privilege to bring someone else into contact with Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of sharing Jesus with others. By your gospel, fill my heart to overflowing with gratitude. Fill it every day. Amen.

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