“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the LORD Almighty.
Malachi 3:1
Promises Kept
Devotion based on Malachi 3:1
See series: Devotions
In our world, promises are often broken. As parents, we sometimes have to break promises to our children when circumstances outside of our control change. Children make promises to clean their rooms and wash the car but are then distracted or find something more fun. Just because someone makes a promise does not give us the certainty it is going to be kept.
Except when God makes promises. He always keeps his promises. He promised he would send a messenger to prepare the way for the Messiah. God kept that promise when he sent John the Baptist who prepared the people for the coming Messiah by calling them to repentance. After Adam and Eve fell into sin, God promised he would send a Savior who would crush the devil’s head and reconcile God and man. God kept that promise when he sent Jesus into the world who lived perfectly as we could not, who died on the cross to pay for our sins, and who rose from the grave to conquer death. God has kept every single promise he has ever made!
This gives us the peace of knowing he will continue to keep every promise to us. We don’t have to fear the problems we face or be filled with anxiety over what is to come. God has always been faithful to his promises and always will be. May this truth bring you peace today.
Dear Lord Jesus, come quickly in your might and with your power. Give us peace as we face the challenges of today knowing that one day you will have us to live with you eternally in heaven. Amen.

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