After [Jesus] was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.
John 2:22
Puzzle Pieces
Devotion based on John 2:22
See series: Devotions
Puzzles can be fun. They can also be frustrating. If anything, they require patience and persistence. Not only do all the pieces have to be identified, they also must be put together correctly.
For many people Jesus’ life appeared to be a puzzle. They tried to put the pieces together. Unfortunately, they didn’t do it correctly. In the end they came up with the wrong picture.
For the disciples of Jesus, the pieces eventually all came together, but it took the final piece of the resurrection to do it. Then they knew, and believed everything Jesus said was true.
It is also important for us that all the pieces of Jesus’ life come together in the right way. But in our sinful weakness, we become impatience and fail to understand Jesus. An unanswered prayer may lead us to doubt Jesus’ wisdom. A disaster may make us question his goodness. Just about any difficulty or illness may cause us to wonder about his love.
The problem isn’t with Jesus, or with his wisdom, goodness, and love. It rests with us. We fail to understand how all the pieces fit together.
We need to rely on what Jesus has said. From the Scriptures we realize how he faithfully completed all he said he would do. From the Scriptures we can understand not one word or gracious promise has ever failed. From the Scriptures we can clearly see what he has done for our rescue. He has fulfilled every righteous requirement on our behalf. He has suffered the shameful treatment and mockery we deserved. He has even sacrificed his life as our substitute to give us eternal life. When we take the time to consider all he has done for us, all the pieces come together. The life of Jesus is not a puzzle with missing pieces. It is a beautiful picture of him as our Savior, made complete by his faithful Word.
O gracious Lord, open my eyes to see all you have done for me. Increase my faith to trust that you will always keep your Word. Give me joy in knowing that you hold me in your loving hands. Amen.

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