Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
Matthew 15:28
Resilient Faith Rewarded
Devotion based on Matthew 15:28
See series: Devotions
Faith has many characteristics. Faith trusts; faith believes; faith hopes. The woman in this story demonstrated all those characteristics of faith, but the one that stands out is her resilience.
Resilience is the ability to bounce back, adapt, and recover from a difficult situation. This woman showed resilience by remaining persistent through Jesus’ silence. She maintained hope after Jesus said he had only come for the lost sheep of Israel. She adapted Jesus’ harsh statement calling her a dog into an analogy of God’s grace. She did all this knowing how terribly her daughter was suffering. It’s one of the greatest examples of resilient faith in the Bible.
In response to her resilient faith, Jesus said, “Woman, you have great faith!” This is high praise from Jesus. He only said that to one other person, also a gentile, a Roman centurion.
To be sure, Jesus said this as a tribute to the woman, but it was also a tribute to the greatness of what her faith received. Yes, her daughter was healed. But Jesus also granted the woman status as a daughter in God’s kingdom. It is also a tribute to God, who gives the great gift of faith.
Every Christian’s faith is a great faith because every Christian trusts in Jesus Christ. Christians go to Jesus with their needs as the Canaanite woman did. How Jesus answers our prayers—we leave to him, trusting in his love and wisdom. Regardless of how he answers—a resilient faith keeps trusting, hoping, and believing. A resilient faith also knows that on the Last Day, the trumpet will sound, and God will make good on every promise to his followers. On that day, God will reward every believer he has gifted with faith in their Savior, Jesus.
Lord God, give me a resilient faith no matter what my circumstances are that holds fast to Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

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