Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Luke 12:33,34
Set Your Heart on Heavenly Treasure
Devotion based on Luke 12:33,34
See series: Devotions
“Their heart just wasn’t in it.” When have you heard or said that phrase?
Maybe it was a dramatic or musical performance that, even though it lacked mistakes, felt flat, and lacked passion. Maybe it was a player in an athletic contest who seemed distracted and didn’t perform up to their usual ability. Maybe it was someone who decided to switch paths—to change schools or careers—when they didn’t find joy in the path they were on.
You can often tell when someone’s heart is in something and when it’s not. And we set our hearts on the things most important to us, on the things we treasure.
When we set our hearts on things that don’t last, we will eventually be disappointed. Human achievements, worldly wealth, even health and family don’t last forever. Setting our hearts on such things can leave us feeling uneasy, and rightly so. When those blessings are taken away from us, our hearts are left empty. And that uneasiness or emptiness can show in how we live our lives.
But Jesus reminds us that we have more to live for. We have treasure that cannot be taken away from us. It is the treasure of life without disappointment, failure, or loss. It is the treasure of life in God’s perfect, loving presence.
Jesus bought that treasure for us with his holy life and his innocent death. Watching Jesus’ life, as his story is told in the Bible, no one would ever say his heart wasn’t in it! He was all in for you! He paid the ultimate price to buy for you and me the treasure of eternal life with him because he treasured us above his own life.
Heavenly treasure is yours! Priceless treasure without cost or condition and that nothing can destroy! Ponder and celebrate that treasure. Live for it. Live each day with your heart in it—focused on your true treasure.
Jesus, you set your heart on saving me. Move me to set my heart on the priceless treasure of life with you! Amen.

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